Election 2020- Time to become Storywise

Do you remember way back in 2008, the elections, Hillary and McCain and Obama. Do you? Rudy Guiliani was even running back then, for the USA, and not Ukraine. I remember watching and devouring every juicy morsel of news and commentary. Do you? And after a while,  I...

Memory is different from experience

POND teaches us that Daniel Kahneman’s great book “Thinking Fast and Slow’ testifies to, that how we experience something in the moment is different to how we remember it.  He uses the experiment with patients undergoing a painful operation and their...

Zones of Energy

POND teaches us that Beginning, Middle and Ending are not defined on a map of location so much as a map of a territory of energy that is broken up this way: Beginning is the ZONE of creativity Middle is the ZONE of complication, and contestation Ending is the ZONE of...

The BME Axis of Coherence

Remember our goals here. We are teaching you 1)POND- The Key Principles of Narrative Design 2) The tools of Storywise analysis. 3) APPLICATION to the Presidential Plot-2020 4) From this learning to apply it to anything else. Another core map and principle of POND is...

Where you are is what you are in between.

In POND- the Principles of  Narrative Design, We always teach that who you are is WHERE you are. And where you are is what you are IN BETWEEN. B is B because its between A and C.  And where we are is always in the middle, between where we started out and where we hope...